A2B Taxis Rogate
01730 233 299
A2B Taxis Rogate are your local professional taxi hire company for the village of Rogate.
Our fleet of modern immaculate vehicles is big enough to cater for any travel requirement at any time.
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, Estates, Saloons, Hatchbacks,
MPS’s, Minibus, Hybrid Electric Vehicles
We are able to cover all journeys from local shopping trips to airport transfers, from hospital appointments to business travel, our smart and professional drivers adhere to strict East Hants council guidelines and all hold hackney and private hire licenses.
Airport Transfers starting from just £75 (Southampton) + UK airports Drop-off and pick-up charge.
Gatwick & Heathrow prices start from £90 + UK airports Drop-off and pick-up charge, all other Airports call us for your airport taxi quotation.
Book your Taxi for rogate
Call 01730 233299
Use our Contact form HERE
Get the new A2B Taxi App and book directly on your phone.